Recognising a job well done

It’s always lovely to get great feedback and we’re very proud to have recently received recognition and a letter of thanks from one of our biggest contracts, highly praising the contribution made by our cleaners during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Remaining reactive during extremely difficult times is why our frontline staff are classed as essential workers and why they are so vital to ensuring the safe return to shared working environments for our customers and their staff.

It’s not by chance that we have been able to step up to the challenges Covid-19 has presented. As a company already providing infectious and viricidal cleans, we have been uniquely placed to offer a flexible and adaptive response to all suspected and confirmed cases of the virus.

We’re extremely proud of our staff who have been crucial to the delivery of these services and have continued to deliver a high-quality service for our customers during this outbreak. We’re sharing this recognition with our staff to let them know their efforts have been so highly praised.

For those who work in the offices being cleaned, it means a great deal to feel contact risks are being mitigated with thorough cleaning methods. Everyone can be safe and secure in the knowledge that their families and friends are less at risk because these acts of service.

This is only something a team of people dedicated to delivering a first-class service can achieve. So, a great big WELL DONE to everyone nominated and recognised as part of this award programme and to all our operatives getting the job done daily in response to the ongoing need for Covid-19 cleans.