Gold Members

Exciting News! Solo Service Group are proud to announce that we have achieved Gold Membership status with the Supply Chain Sustainability School!

As a Gold Member, we are taking our commitment to sustainability to the next level, ensuring that our supply chain practices align with environmental and social responsibility.

Here's what being a Gold Member means for us:

Unlimited Access: We now have exclusive access to a vast library of sustainability resources, including best practice guides, case studies, webinars, and e-learning modules. This means we can continuously enhance our knowledge and stay at the forefront of sustainable supply chain practices.

Thought Leadership: Through the Gold Membership, we'll have the opportunity to contribute our expertise and insights to industry discussions, further shaping sustainable supply chain strategies and fostering collaboration. Together, we can drive positive change on a global scale!

Networking Opportunities: As a Gold Member, we'll be part of a vibrant community of like-minded organisations and professionals, allowing us to network, share ideas, and learn from one another. Let's collaborate and inspire each other on this sustainability journey!

We're incredibly excited about this achievement and what it means for our sustainability goals. Take a look at our recently published case study here:
