Clean Air Day 2024

Clean Air Day on June 20, 2024, marks an exciting milestone for Solo Service Group as we proudly announce our achievement of Carbon Neutral status for the second consecutive year, adhering to the PAS 2060 standard. This accomplishment reflects our unwavering commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.

Achieving Carbon Neutrality with Ecologi and Planet Mark

Our journey to carbon neutrality has been made possible through our strategic partnerships with Ecologi and Planet Mark. By diligently measuring and monitoring our emissions, we have been able to effectively offset any residual emissions, ensuring that we take responsibility for, and have robust plans to mitigate the carbon footprint of our operations.

A significant part of our carbon offset strategy involves supporting impactful environmental projects. One such initiative is the bundled solar photovoltaic (PV) power project in Indonesia. This project focuses on generating clean, renewable energy through solar PV systems, significantly reducing reliance on fossil fuels and contributing to a greener planet.

Learn more about this project and its impact through these links:

Solar PV electricity generation in Indonesia | Ecologi -

GSF Registry -

Our Ongoing Commitment to Clean Air

Achieving carbon neutrality is just one step in our continuous journey towards sustainability. On this Clean Air Day, we reaffirm our dedication to reducing emissions, supporting clean energy projects, and promoting a healthier environment for all. We are grateful for the collaboration with our partners who make these achievements possible.

Our fleet of vehicles are responsible for our scope 1 direct emissions, to target reduction of this source of company emissions, Solo Service Group has developed and continually updates our Fleet Emissions Reduction Strategy to inform procurement of vehicles and further develop the electrification of our fleet. During our transition phase to full fleet electrification, we have partnered with Greenarc Fuel Cards to transfer our fuel cards to their carbon neutral service. By offsetting the emissions associated with each litre of fuel we purchase by supporting triple verified projects, this will mitigate some of the environmental impact of our fleet as we work towards further implementation of zero tailpipe emission vehicles using a phased approach.

Join us in celebrating Clean Air Day and our shared commitment to a cleaner, less polluted future.


Visit Ecologi

Visit Planet Mark