Case Study by Ecologi: Solo Service Groups Business Success Story

Discover how Solo Service Group is committing to safeguarding the environment

Solo Service Group is a national provider of commercial cleaning services, boasting a workforce of over 3,000 employees and a diverse range of clients. As one of the largest independent cleaning companies in the UK, the organisation embraces innovation and prides itself on developing solutions for every challenge it encounters.

Solo Service Group began measuring their emissions in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol guidance in 2022. This process identified the 100 or so vehicles that the company uses to conduct its operations as the primary source of direct emissions.

And so the decision was made to work with Ecologi to balance the unavoidable direct emissions from their fleet, as the business works towards an ambitious and commendable emissions reduction strategy - with the bold goal of reaching net-zero emissions by 2030. So far Solo Service Group have…

⚡️ Funded 875 tonnes of CO2e avoidance - equivalent to 671 long haul flights.

Joseph Julian Blackmore, Environmental Manager at Solo Service Group, highlighted that “Ecologi not only provides the opportunity to support lasting environmental initiatives and funding for verified carbon reduction projects, but offers a platform to visibly share and promote this impact in an engaging format.”

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